



Hi all,

I'm using Eziriz Intellilock to protect a .NET windows application. The application targets .NET 2.0 and is built with "Any CPU" target. When it's unlocked it works fine in both 32bit and 64bit Vista. However, when I lock it with Eziriz Intellilock, I can only run the locked version in 32bit Vista. When trying to run in Vista 64bit I get an APPCRASH exception when initializing the program.

Has anyone been through such issue? Is there a solution?

I tried to contact their support but didn't receive any reply so far :(

Thanks, LD


What happens if you change the platform of your app to x86. Is it still crashing? Is there a reason why you have to use "Any CPU" instead of x86?

Yes, I tried "Any CPU", x86 and x64, it always crashes. I think this is a bug on Eziriz tool. It's so frustrating that they don't reply support requests :( Thanks for your help.

did the support team reply to you?


I use the last version of Intellilock and have been able to encrypt successfully 64bits applications without any major (nor minor) problems.

True enough, the support team answers more once you have bought a licence from them



Please try the latest version, probably it fixes the problem. It works fine for our "Any CPU" compiled products.


I'm pretty sure that it's not about x86 or x64. Just try to use less obfuscation options.

Intellilock is pretty unstable so you need try until you get it right. Also be careful sometimes it might launch correctly but you can still see unexpected crashes during the run. Test it well before deploy.

dr. evil