



I tried to show an error message using the jquery effect fadeTo and tried to hide the message by appending a button and using fadeout but doesn't seem to work.

What I did was:

  .fadeTo(200, 0.1, function()
      .append('<br/><input type="button" name="err_ok" id="err_ok" value="ok">')


What am I doing wrong, could someone help me?

+2  A: 

the #err_ok element doesn't exist at first so the .click() handler is not applied to it.

You can solve this by putting

$("#err_ok").click(function () {

in a function and call the function after creating the element in the DOM.

Edit: This should be a full solution:

$("#sub_error").fadeTo(200, 0.1, function() {
      .append('<br/><input type="button" name="err_ok" id="err_ok" value="ok">')
      .fadeTo(900, 1);

function bindEvents() {
    $("#err_ok").click(function() {

There is also a "live" function that binds events to future created DOM elements too.

Thomas Stock
You could also just bind the event to err_ok in the function where it is created.
thanks a lot Thomas , it worked , i was suspecting may be it is not accessing the appended button ... thank you ;)
No problem. I had the same problem before, took me a while to figure out :-)
Thomas Stock

FWIW, there are filed tickets about fadeTo/fadeOut bugs on the JQuery bug tracker.

Deniz Dogan

There are a couple of ways to do this. One, you can append the click handler to the element after it is inserted:

$("#sub_error").fadeTo(200, 0.1, function() {
      .append('<br/><input type="button" name="err_ok" id="err_ok" value="ok">')
      .fadeTo(900, 1)
      .click( function() {

Or two, you can use the live event handler so that any element with the "err_ok" id will get the click handler whenever it's created.

$('#err_ok').live('click', function() {