




I'm doing an application which needs to query active directory and I've been using ldap queries for that purpose.

My problem is that I really cant use "ou=People,dc=pisoftware,dc=com" because the People node name keeps changing because my department name have been changed a lot recently. So in order to avoid the problem of having to do code change each time the name changes then I was wondering if there is any way to query by some sort of a folder id ?

For example I could maybe do "ouid=123456,dc=pisoftware,dc=com"

+3  A: 

Why can't you do an ldap query which applies a filter to return back only the objectCategory=person. You then could target that query at a search base DN, so that it can still return what you want even if the ou/People nodes get renamed/changed. There is a really good guide to which shows you how to do all this and how the queries work here:



I've figured this out. I'm using the GUID of the Organizational unit object to fetch the users. See more at my blog


Another thing you could do would be to move the search up the directory hierarchy far enough to encompass wherever the users may be and do:

myDirectorySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.SubTree;

which would then do a recursive sub-tree search throughout AD.

Doug Seelinger