



(I believe this is the same problem as this one, but there's no answer there, and I think I can express the problem better here...)

I have two Linq-to-SQL classes, State and County, where County has a FK to State. Here's some test code:

State s = State.GetState("NY"); // here I do a load of a State class via the Linq DataContext
County c = new County();
c.Name = "Rockland";
c.State = s;
MyDataContext.SubmitChanges(); // throws an exception

The exception thrown is "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_State'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.State'".

In other words, what appears to be happening here is that despite my having loaded s as an existing record, when I attempt to insert c, Linq is assuming that all related objects, State included, also need to be inserted!

This is completely absurd, and I cannot believe that Microsoft would have made such a huge blunder - so it must be that somewhere my own understanding is faulty.

Can anyone please explain what I am doing wrong, and what the correct approach here is?



Something isn't right here. I'm assuming State -> Count is a one to many relationship. In which case, the correct way of doing this is:

State s = State.GetState("NY"); // here I do a load of a State class via the Linq DataContext
County c = new County();
c.Name = "Rockland";


Since State is the parent table, you need to add the counties to the state's counties collection.

OK, that's all well for counties; it may make sense for State to have a Counties collection. But let's say we've got a Person object, with an address including a State. Are you going to give your State a People collection? I don't want to pollute my State object's interface with collections of every Tom, Dick and Harry table that decides they want a FK to State...

is the State.GetState(...) function using the same datacontext as MyDataContext.GetTable() ?

John Boker
Not quite the full solution - see my answer below:
that's what i meant :)
John Boker


John Boker asked:

is the State.GetState(...) function using the same datacontext as MyDataContext.GetTable() ?

My answer was "Yes" - they are using the same DataContext class... but they were using different instances.

Lesson learned: always use the same instance of your DataContext class for any objects you're planning to persist to your DB!

(John gets credit for the answer, anyway...)


If the State didn't use the same DataContext instance it might work to call the Attach method first.