



Can you point me to a good reference book for MySQL?

I'm an experienced database programmer, but I'm new to MySQL, so I need a book where I can look up specific things and get quick (short) answers (preferably with clear examples).
It needs to explain MySQL-specific things, not standard SQL.

I don't want a wordy book explaining the ins and outs of the database engine. I'm looking for a short-ish book which clearly explains syntax, lists functions and has a good index.

Similar questions, which seem to point to more general (although apparently very good) books are:

+2  A: 

Not quite what you asked, but the reference manuals at are remarkably good.

Dave McLaughlin
I agree. If you just want to know the SQL and config quirks, the reference manual will suit you fine. Of course, if you become interested in implementation details like storage engine, query optimizer, etc. a book will probably become valuable.
Matthew Flaschen
Thanks. You're right - not quite what I asked, but very helpful. I have found most of the answers here. I would really like a book, though. I _like_ books! :*)

The book SQL Cookbook from O'Reilly is really good imo. It contains tons of really useful code and howto's. This is not just for MySQL so the examples and discussions in the book take in account for MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, DB2 and PostgreSQL.

As this is a cookbook style of book, it contains alot of howto's and a discussion on how its done and why its done that way. For example if I want to know how to parse an IP address fields into columns with SQL, I look up in this book. The book then tells me that the function SUBSTR_INDEX makes parsing an IP address an easy operation. Furthermore the discussion topic tells me that by using the built in functions of the database, I can easily walk through parts of the string and locate each of the periods in the address.

Can save you alot of work, and it has helped me many times from reinventing the wheel.
