





I have enabled Firebug for scipts for my site.

But I do not see any in the Script dropdwon menu.

The Net tab has them listed as ok.

I tried another web site not mine same thing???


+1  A: 

The files are located in the drop down just above the "Script" tab. It just looks like a normal button, but when you click it, the list of files is shown.

+1  A: 

[EDIT] I was wrong; external JS is referenced like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="/content/js/master.js></script>

The solution is: The "Script" menu only allows to enable or disable the JavaScript debugging for a site (since it can make Firefox very slow).

To see the actual script, you must use the hidden dropdown right above the "Script" menu. There are four buttons in the line above the "Script" dropdown: Firebug (just the logo), "Examine", "All" and the one where you can select the script to examine.

Aaron Digulla
Is that why??? So how do see script tags??
I'm pretty sure you can see inline script - you'll just have to scroll through the html to get to where you want.
This is an external js file?
You see the inline JS by looking at the HTML code in the HTML tab. "external" means it's not part of the HTML file; it's referenced via a "link" tag. Open the HTML for this very page with Firebug and open the "head" tag and you'll find plenty of examples for external and internal JS.
Aaron Digulla
I am not talking about inline script, external js file. I did open this page in Firebug and all the external scripts are referenced by a script tag not link tag. And no scripts show up in my Script dropdown menu????
Sorry, ChOOk is right; I mixed something up.
Aaron Digulla
This pluss restarting FF worked for me.

I'm looking at the script in this page in firebug (1.3.3) right now... the lines I can break at have the line number in green. The external scripts on the other hand are all minified so there not much I can tell about them.

+4  A: 

I was having trouble with Firebug the last couple days while doing some javascript development as well. Most of the time the javascript files are available on the scripts tab, but sometimes they are not (even though they are listed on other tabs). I have found that if I disable and then re-enable the script tab followed by refreshing the page then the scripts start to show up again.

Hope you find this helpful.


Hi Jeremy. I don't know if this helped the OP, but it sure helped me. Thanks! Helpful to not have to restart mozilla.
Patrick Karcher
I could see the js files in the net tab, but nothing was showing up in the script tag. Thanks so much, disabling, enabling, and then refreshing the page solved it for me as well.
Dave Paroulek

Happens to me too sometimes. Restarting firefox usually helps.


I had this problem for 2nd page under tabbed browsing. Solution: After I closed the first tab I was able to debug scripts on the 2nd tab.
