I'm in charge of maintaining a learning management system and this is an issue that I've been dealing with on and off over the past few months.
A single student (among thousands) is claiming that his essay submissions are being "eaten" by the website. After form submission he says his essay has been replaced by the following text:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 in /home/web/solomon_1.3/classes/db.class.php on line 84
Fatal error: Error connecting to database server: in /home/web/solomon_1.3/classes/db.class.php on line 85
The preceding warning and fatal error are stored in the database as his submission. But how could this be as the error clearly states that a connection could not be made? The essay submission page is about as basic as it gets: A single DB connection is made, the form data is saved to the DB, user is redirected back to the submission page.
Lines 84-86 of db.class.php are:
if (!($sql_id=mysql_connect($server, $user, $pwd,$new))){
trigger_error("[Error connecting to database server]: {$sql_id}", E_USER_ERROR);
Notice how the error reported by the student lacks square brackets around the Fatal Error description string as shown in the PHP source file. Those square brackets were added nearly two months ago after the student's first error report with the suspicion that he was just pasting an error string into the submission box as a way to avoid work. I guess it's the 21st-century version of "the dog ate my homework".
As recently as a week ago the student still reports the original error without brackets. A server-wide grep verified that the error the student keeps "getting" is based on a string that simply doesn't exist.
Now, the most reasonable explanation is that the student is screwing with us. That DB connection error has happened in the past but not within at least the last three months.
There's a chance the student could get expelled over this so I wanted to make absolutely sure that my evidence is solid. Can you think of any alternate theories likely or otherwise?