Normally I get a new ID by inserting some data and it creates a new row and returns the new ID. But if I dont want to insert any data I just want to create a new row with a new ID and get the new can I do that?
OK Here is my issue. The table I wanted to do this to only has the 1 ID column. Why? I'll explain (we'll I'll try to). I have another table where each row has its own unique ID variation_id (auto-inc), but each row needs to be tied to a group of other rows from the same table. I have another column called group_id I can't have it auto-inc because it needs to appear multiple times, it his what says which variations should be grouped together. So I wanted to have a second table with group_id as the primary key and auto-inc so I could use that to generate the new group_id whenever I need a new group. I guess I am going about this the wrong what should I do?