I am looking for a tool to help me to more quickly grasp someone else's code. Usually I am working with 10-15 method call chunks scattered across 3-5 modules (DLLs or .NET assemblies). What I am after is a tool which could be used to draw an annotated call diagram in 10-30 minutes.
I think it should look like a some kind of combination of a workflow and combination UML diagrams without the monstrosity of UML editors. Just drop a dozen rectangles on the screen, add a method name to each (and optionally: module name, parameters, etc). Add a quick note what this method does, what goes in, what goes out, etc. Then connect these figures (rectangles) with a different looking arrows to indicate which type this method call is: simple call, a call which returns nothing, remote call, etc.
The important thing - the tool should be easy to use. Otherwise, I could just fire up MS Word and draw it there. But that is not going to be an easy task.