



Whether Regex use with C#, VB.NET, Perl or any language. So, regardless of the language you use, share with us one or two of your challenging regular expression.


My company has a small product that does mass mailing, kind of like Constant Contact. It was web based and the user would enter their html email through a WYSIWYG editor. We wanted them to be able to enter dynamic values so we had to create a tokening system. I created a whole token parsing library using regular expressions. Difficult and challenging but really fun. I was careful to declare all my magic regex as constants and used that through out the code. Made it extremely easy to maintain and update. I think parsing through html has to be the worst, especially when html can be inside the matches you're looking for.

Joshua Belden
+8  A: 

Rewriting this monster:


to be more readable/maintainable:

require 5.010;
my $sep         = qr{ [/.-] }x;               #allowed separators    
my $any_century = qr/ 1[6-9] | [2-9][0-9] /x; #match the century 
my $any_decade  = qr/ [0-9]{2} /x;            #match any decade or 2 digit year
my $any_year    = qr/ $any_century? $any_decade /x; #match a 2 or 4 digit year

#match the 1st through 28th for any month of any year
my $start_of_month = qr/
    (?:                         #match
        0?[1-9] |               #Jan - Sep or
        1[0-2]                  #Oct - Dec
    ($sep)                      #the separator
        0?[1-9] |               # 1st -  9th or
        1[0-9]  |               #10th - 19th or
        2[0-8]                  #20th - 28th
    \g{-1}                      #and the separator again

#match 28th - 31st for any month but Feb for any year
my $end_of_month = qr/
        (?: 0?[13578] | 1[02] ) #match Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec
        ($sep)                  #the separator
        31                      #the 31st
        \g{-1}                  #and the separator again
        |                       #or
        (?: 0?[13-9] | 1[0-2] ) #match all months but Feb
        ($sep)                  #the separator
        (?:29|30)               #the 29th or the 30th
        \g{-1}                  #and the separator again

#match any non-leap year date and the first part of Feb in leap years
my $non_leap_year = qr/ (?: $start_of_month | $end_of_month ) $any_year/x;

#match 29th of Feb in leap years
#BUG: 00 is treated as a non leap year
#even though 2000, 2400, etc are leap years
my $feb_in_leap = qr/
    0?2                         #match Feb
    ($sep)                      #the separtor
    29                          #the 29th
    \g{-1}                      #the separator again
        $any_century?           #any century
        (?:                     #and decades divisible by 4 but not 100
            0[48]       | 
            [2468][048] |
        (?:                     #or match centuries that are divisible by 4
            16          | 
            [2468][048] |

my $any_date  = qr/$non_leap_year|$feb_in_leap/;
my $only_date = qr/^$any_date$/;
Chas. Owens
This looks surely like a classic monster. :D
What's language? I don't like to use this regular exp to validate input. I must use if-else or switch-case for solve this validation.
This is in Perl 5.10, you must use 5.10 to get \g{-1}. The post where I did this is If you look at that answer you will see that it takes less than twenty lines of code to valid the date with normal code (vs the 70+ lines for the maintainable regex). I haven't benchmarked them. I guess I should.
Chas. Owens
For a valid date the regex is twice as fast, for something that doesn't even look like a date it is almost the same, and for an invalid leap year the regex is almost twice as fast.
Chas. Owens
Since it requires Perl 5.10, why don't you add named captures?
Brad Gilbert
@Brad Gilbert because this is a validating regex not a parsing regex. The captures are just used to ensure that the same delimiter is used in both places.
Chas. Owens
+2  A: 

Roman number validator for a homework project - not mine, it's been a long time since I've had to do homework :-)


Any more complex than that and I tend to write code for it since I can better document it and optimize.

+1  A: 

Yes, I know it's not that long (at least compared to Chas's!), but it was tricky for me to to get right. What is it for? If you have to ask...



is the much simpler companion.


Thanks to Tomalak,




It's JavaScript flavor regex for a Firefox plugin that we're hoping to release soon.

Matthew Flaschen
In fact, "/\|[^|=]*=/" would be the simpler companion. No need to escape the pipe symbol in a character class. This would help the longer regex as well. :-)
+1  A: 

Well this is not a tough one but one that took a while to figure out!

To make

<A HREF="SomeDocument1.docx" >SomeDocument1</A>
<A HREF="SomeDocument2.docx" >SomeDocument2</A>



Replace with

\<A HREF\=\"\1\.\2\" \>\1\<\/A\>

Figuring out the \( and \) issue with Textpad for capture took time :)

Binoj Antony
+1  A: 

My friend was trying to write an RE that could match {0,1} strings with an odd number of 1's and an even number of 0's. I couldn't do it myself, but I wrote a program that could turn a finite automaton into an equivalent RE. Here's the re that my program spit out:

>>> from dfa2re import *
<module 'dfa2re' from ''>
>>> a2 = GNFA('a', ['ab1', 'ba1', 'ac0', 'ca0', 'bd0', 'db0', 'cd1', 'dc1'], set('b'))

You need to add ^ and $ characters to make it work properly, but it does work.

As you can see, there's alot less in the specification of the GNFA. It was also alot easier to design, because it's very visual and its correctness is more obvious.

How complicated is that program? Is there any chance it's avaliable for the rest of the world to look at?
Chris Lutz
It's 345 lines. I could put it up somewhere, but I'm not sure how worthwhile that would be, since it's not that long.
I think I got the algorithm from this book, if you want to try to implement it yourself:
You could paste it at some source code sharing site. I'd like to look at it. I promise I won't steal it, because I'm a Perl man, but I'd find it interesting to look at.
Chris Lutz
For the whole world to see:
I looked at the I hope there's short version.

I didn't write it but this is the craziest one I have seen.

(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ 
\t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\0
31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\
](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+
(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:
(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z
|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)
?[ \t])*)*\<(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\
r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[
 \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)
?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[
 \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*
)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
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*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+
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\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t
]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031
]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](
?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?
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:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*\>(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?
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[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] 
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\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-
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?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\
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\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t
])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t
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\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:
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 \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,
;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
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".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)?
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\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:
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"()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])
*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])
+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\
.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z
|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*\>(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)?;\s*)

Chad Grant
yes, and this regexp doesn't handle 100% of email addresses ;)
Please elaborate ... has the RFC changed? I don't see any references to TLD's and I've used it for hundreds of thousands of email addresses without issue *yet* but I sure as hell don't want to reverse eng this, so if you know something ... tell!
Chad Grant
I think the not-100% comment was just a joke.
Brad Gilbert
No, it's not a joke, it's not 100% because it doesn't handle an arbitrary nesting of tokens, e.g. given input like: ((a)((b c) d)), match the parenthetic group containing a letter such as 'd'.Email addresses do not need TLD domains in them to be valid. foo@bar is a valid email address.
Adam Luter