
Did you try it without the 'EXEC' ?

Paul Mitchell
Yes. Times out as well.
Ole Lynge

We had a similiar issue, where a query would complete in 2 seconds in SSMS and take more than 90 seconds when called from a .NET client (we wrote several VB/C# apps/sites to test it.)

We suspected that the query plan would be different, and rewrote the query with explicit looping ("inner loop join" and "with index") hints. This solved the problem.

hope you examined your statistics and indexes first! ;)
Mitch Wheat
Yeah, we have a weekly maintenance plan for statistics and indexes (runs every sunday.) We recreated the stored procedure to remove any cached query plans.
+2  A: 

This is almost certainly due to an 'incorrect' cached query plan. This has come up on SO quite a few times.

Due you have up-to-date statistics? A regular scheduled index maintenance plan?

You can test if it is definitely due to the cached query plan by adding this to your stored procedure definition:


This will re-index an entire database (caution if database is very large!):

exec sp_msforeachtable "dbcc dbreindex('?')"

SO posts:

Big difference in execution time of stored proc between Managment Studio and TableAdapter.

Parameter Sniffing (or Spoofing) in SQL Server

optimize for unknown for SQL Server 2005?

Different Execution Plan for the same Stored Procedure

Mitch Wheat
I ran the exact same queries (EXEC sp_Stat @DepartmentID = NULL) right after each other. First the one that took 2 seconds with SSMS. Then (a few seconds later) the one that timed out from .NET. Do you think it might still be related to an incorrectly cached query plan?
Ole Lynge
either that or statistics are out of date, or indexes need to be rebuilt (which updates stats on the respective columns)
Mitch Wheat
I use exact same parameters. And the WITH RECOMPILE option does not change the outcome...
Ole Lynge
The articles you reference seem to talk about parameterized queries with an execution time that depends on the value of the parameters. I have the exact same values in these tests...
Ole Lynge
have you updated your statistics or rebuilt indexes?
Mitch Wheat
No, I have not rebuilt them yet...
Ole Lynge
Thanks. The solution was related to parameter sniffing. It helped to store the values of the sproc's input parameters in local variables...
Ole Lynge
+4  A: 

Another thing that can be important is the SET options that are enabled. Some of these options change the query plan sufficiently to change the profile. Some can have a huge impact if you are looking at (for example) a calculated + persisted (and possibly indexed) column: if the SET options aren't compatible, it can be forced to re-calculate the values, rather than using the indexed value - which can change an index seek into a table scan + calculation.

Try using the profiler to see what SET options are "in play", and see if using those options changes things.

Another impact is the connection string; for example, if you enable MARS that can change the behaviour in subtle ways.

Finally, transactions (implicit (TransactionScope) or explicit) can have a huge impact, depending on the isolation level.

Marc Gravell
Thanks. I will look into how to examine the SET options. I guess it might be related to the difference, because otherwise the queries are identical...
Ole Lynge
Hi Marc,I have been having this issue for years on a DB that im running, and the only solution has been to SET ARITHABORT ON/OFF on the stored proc. Unfortuntley it keeps on happening and i have to change the ARITHABORT option to the opposite of what it was.Do you know of any way to tell my .NET app to use the same SET options as SSMS will use?
Eli Perpinyal