We have a lot of queries
select * from tbl_message
that get stuck on the state "Writing to net". The table has 98k rows.
The thing is... we aren't even executing any query like that from our application, so I guess the question is:
- What might be generating the query?
- ...and why does it get stuck on the state "writing to net"
I feel stupid asking this question, but I'm 99,99% sure that our application is not executing a query like that to our database... we are however executing a couple of querys to that table using WHERE statement:
SELECT Count(*) as StrCount FROM tbl_message WHERE m_to=1960412 AND m_restid=948
SELECT Count(m_id) AS NrUnreadMail FROM tbl_message WHERE m_to=2019422 AND m_restid=440 AND m_read=1
SELECT * FROM tbl_message WHERE m_to=2036390 AND m_restid=994 ORDER BY m_id DESC
I have searched our application several times for select * from tbl_message
but haven't found anything... But still our query-log on our mysql server is full of Select * from tbl_message