




I'm currently investigating some performance issues in a .NET/Oracle application.

I've run an oracle trace file and I have noticed that the following query is being called a lot and is using a lot of resources:

select ac.constraint_name key_name, acc.column_name key_col,1 
from all_cons_columns acc, all_constraints ac 
where acc.owner = ac.owner 
and acc.constraint_name = ac.constraint_name 
and acc.table_name = ac.table_name 
and ac.constraint_type = 'P' 
and ac.owner = user 
and ac.table_name = :TableName 
order by acc.constraint_name

I have determined that this query is not being called from the application code, could it be generated by ADO.NET? The application uses OracleCommandBuilders.


Yes, I expect is is OracleCommandBuilders that is doing that: it is finding out which columns form the primary key for the given table. It needs to do this (and other metadata selects) to generate SQL statements for your application.

Tony Andrews
Thanks and apologies for late response (I've been away). We were able to improve the performance of the application by reducing the number of OracleCommandBuilders that were being created. In a few cases the command builders were being created 'just in case' and ended up not even being used.It's useful to be aware of this.