



I started working with C# recently and I noticed that the convention seems to be that the variables start with a capital letter along with the methods.

Is this the only language that does this and why? For instance:

Page Page = new Page();

In other languages, you'd see instead:

Page page = new Page();

There are other examples of this that are confusing since I've worked a lot with UML, Ruby, C++ and Java.

My question is, why does C# do it this way when other languages do not?


Other Stack Overflow users are noting that C# does not follow this convention, this was just a mistake on my part.

+17  A: 

Well actually, no: the convention in C# is for camelCased variable (and field) names, and PascalCase methods:

Page page = new Page();
Marc Gravell
PascalCase is for public methods, properties, and events
Michael Meadows
Ok, I guess the code I saw so far was just messy, then. Thanks
+2  A: 

Every set of C# conventions I've written or used would specify camel case for variables, so:

Page page = new Page();
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

Not sure where you've seen Pascal case used, but it's certainly not something inherent to, or standard for, C#.

David M
+2  A: 

Variables in C# typically don't start with an uppercase letter (though that's obviously up to the developer's own implementation). What you're probably confused about is the concept of a Property. Properties in C# are used syntactically like variables (in that they can be retrieved or assigned, rather than just executed like a function), but can encapsulate business logic on both operations.

To answer a broader part of your question, though, both properties and methods/functions do typically start with an uppercase letter according to the Microsoft guidelines.

Adam Robinson
+10  A: 

No, this is fairly non-standard C# code. The .Net Framework Design guidelines in section 2.6 recomend the use of camel casing for local variable names.

This is a very good article about why C# is the way it is. I personally love the standard he list here. At my job they have a horrific naming convention of l_s_SomeString for a local string. I hate underscores.
David Basarab
+4  A: 

Public members use PascalCase, private members use camelCase.

I think that this makes it clearer which methods support a class versus which methods define a class.

public class Foo
    private Bar bar;
    public Bar Bar { get; set; }

    public void DoFoo()

    private void makeFoo()
Michael Meadows
According to the Microsoft Naming Guidelines makeFoo() should be named MakeFoo(). There is no difference in the casing for methods, properties, and events depending on their scope.
Daniel Brückner
You're right. The published guidelines only concern themselves with publicly exposed members, and leave internal guidelines to the implementer. In C#, I have only ever seen camelCase for private methods, but I suppose it's not a "standard" per se. Like all other conventions for private members, it's up to the implementer to define. Thanks for the clarification.
Michael Meadows
+1  A: 

PascalCase was a convention at Microsoft long before .NET. (In the Win32 API etc.)

A convention also makes sense to use within a single environment. .NET being a comprehensive environment on its own, and Microsoft-the-company another, there's really no point to adopting someone else's.

Also, I strongly doubt UML has a naming convention or that even the idea of UML having a naming convention makes sense. UML models your software, and should follow the convention of that software.

+2  A: 

Public = PascalCase, I only tend to use camelCase for private fields, and parameter arguments.

Read this coding standard though easily searchable on google, not a bad place to start.

Mark Dickinson
This is helpful, thanks
+2  A: 

You can find out a lot about what conventions should be adopted by using the two following tools.



Joshua Belden