On my journey to learning MVVM I've established some basic understanding of WPF and the ViewModel pattern. I'm using the following abstraction when providing a list and am interested in a single selected item.
public ObservableCollection<OrderViewModel> Orders { get; private set; }
public ICollectionView OrdersView
if( _ordersView == null )
_ordersView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView( Orders );
return _ordersView;
private ICollectionView _ordersView;
public OrderViewModel CurrentOrder
get { return OrdersView.CurrentItem as OrderViewModel; }
set { OrdersView.MoveCurrentTo( value ); }
I can then bind the OrdersView along with supporting sorting and filtering to a list in WPF:
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=OrdersView}"
This works really well for single selection views. But I'd like to also support multiple selections in the view and have the model bind to the list of selected items.
How would I bind the ListView.SelectedItems to a backer property on the ViewModel?