Setting up mysql as dual master does actually work fine in the right scenario done correctly. But I am not sure it fits very well in your scenario.
First of all, dual master setup in mysql is really a ring-setup. Server A is defined as master of B, while B is at the same time defined as the master of A, so both servers act as both master and slave. The replication works by shipping a binary log containing the sql statements which the slave inserts when it sees fit, which is usually right away. But if you're hammering it with local insertions, it will take a while to catch up. The slave insertions are sequential by the way, so you won't get any benefit of multiple cores etc.
The primary use of dual master mysql is to have redundancy on the server level with automatic fail-over (often using hearbeat on linux). Excluding mysql-cluster (for various reasons), this is the only usable automatic failover for mysql. The setup for basic dual master is easily found on google. The heartbeat stuff is a bit more work. But this is not really what you were asking about, since this really behaves as a single database server.
If you want the dual master setup because you always want to write to a local database (write to both of them at the same time), you'll need to write your application with this in mind. You can never have auto-incrementing values in the database, and when you have unique values, you must make sure that the two locations never write the same value. For example location A could write odd unique numbers and location B could write even unique numbers. The reason is that you're not guaranteed that the servers are in sync at any given time, so if you've inserted a unique row in A, and then an overlapping unique row in B before the second server catches up, you'll have a broken system. And if something first breaks, the entire system stops.
To sum it up: it's possible, but you'll need to tip-toe very carefully if you're building business software on top of this.