The Where
method only returns whether or not the item should be included in the result or not. The function can't provide any more information in a sensible way (it could capture a local variable and do stuff with it, but that would be horrible).
If you want the index in the final result, you'll need to create a projection which includes that index. If you want the original index in the final result, you'll need to put that projection before any Where
Here's an example of that:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Test
static void Main()
IEnumerable<char> letters = "aBCdEFghIJklMNopQRsTUvWyXZ";
var query = letters.Select((c, i) =>
new { Char=c, OriginalIndex=i })
.Where(x => char.IsLower(x.Char))
.Select((x, i) =>
new { x.Char,
foreach (var result in query)
{ Char = a, OriginalIndex = 0, FinalIndex = 0 }
{ Char = d, OriginalIndex = 3, FinalIndex = 1 }
{ Char = g, OriginalIndex = 6, FinalIndex = 2 }
{ Char = h, OriginalIndex = 7, FinalIndex = 3 }
{ Char = k, OriginalIndex = 10, FinalIndex = 4 }
{ Char = l, OriginalIndex = 11, FinalIndex = 5 }
{ Char = o, OriginalIndex = 14, FinalIndex = 6 }
{ Char = p, OriginalIndex = 15, FinalIndex = 7 }
{ Char = s, OriginalIndex = 18, FinalIndex = 8 }
{ Char = v, OriginalIndex = 21, FinalIndex = 9 }
{ Char = y, OriginalIndex = 23, FinalIndex = 10 }