Hi! I'm trying to use RhinoMock for mocking out a wcf service.
Say I have the following service:
List<User> SearchUsers(UserSearchFilter filter);
Adding this service with Visual Studio will generate a proxy, and that proxy has a Interface like:
public interface ResourceService {
System.IAsyncResult BeginSearchUsers(UserSearchFilter filter, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState);
ObservableCollection<User> EndSearchUsers(System.IAsyncResult result);
Then I create a ViewModel that uses this service, like this:
private ResourceService service;
public ViewModelBase(ResourceService serv)
service = serv;
var filter = new UserSearchFilter();
service.BeginSearchUsers(filter, a =>
this.Users = service.EndSearchUsers(a);
}, null);
Then comes the question. How do I mock this service using RhinoMock?
public void UserGetsPopulatedOnCreationOfViewModel()
// Is stub the right thing to use?
ResourceService serv = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ResourceService>();
// Do some setup... Don't know how?
var vm = new ViewModel(serv);
Assert.IsTrue(vm.Users.Count > 0);
I be really happy if someone could help me with the correct usage of RhinoMock
(Note: I'm using Silverlight, but I don't think that would change the way RhinoMock is used)
Thanks a lot!