




Scenario: Within the onblur event of a html input control I send an async http post to a resource i.e. t.aspx.

I do not care if it ever returns, however if the users clicks submit I want the form to submit.

What I am seeing from using our simulators is that when I slow down t.aspx to take 10 seconds (page_load Thread.Sleep(10000)) when I click submit it continues to wait for the remainder of the 10 seconds and then submits.

I need the form to submit straight away. Below is a snippet of the ajax code

var _requestData = "{ " + "\"subject\": { " + "\"param1\": \"" + $("#param1").val() + "\", " + "\"param2\": \"" + $("#param2").val() + "\" " + "}" + " }";

$.ajaxSetup({ url: "t.aspx", type: "POST", processData: false, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: sucessfulCallback, error: unsucessfulCallback });

$.ajax({ data: _requestData });

I have also tried var myAjax = $.ajax ..... and calling myAjax.abort() within the form submit. No luck there either.

Any help would be much appreciated...

Regards David


You don't mention which Jquery version you are running. Older versions had a known bug which is exactly as you describe: http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2935.

Douglas F Shearer
Using jquery v1.3.2

At Server side, you need to check user still connect with server or not. By using the following command.

if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
   // process user request