




One of the best tips for using vim that I have learned so far has been that one can press <C-C> (i.e. CTRL+C) or <C-[> (ie. CTRL+[) instead of the ESC(ape) key. However I use a dvorak keyboard so <C-[> is a little out of reach for me as well so I mostly use <C-C>. Now I've read somewhere that these two key combinations don't actually have exactly the same behaviour and that it is better to use <C-[>. I haven't come across any problems so far though so I'd like to know what exactly is the difference between the two?

+4  A: 

According to Vim's documentation, Ctrl+C does not check for abbreviations and does not trigger the |InsertLeave| autocommand event while Ctrl-[ does...

One option is to use the following to remap Ctrl-C

inoremap [C-c] [Esc][Esc]
+3  A: 

As it turns out, <C-[> is exactly identical to Esc, they are the same character. So no need to wonder about any difference there. :)

Greg Hewgill