I like the pattern I saw in this blog post (http://marekblotny.blogspot.com/2009/04/conventions-after-rewrite.html), where the author is checking to see if a table name alteration has already been made before applying a convention.
public bool Accept(IClassMap target)
//apply this convention if table wasn't specified with WithTable(..) method
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.TableName);
The convention interface I'm using for a string length is IProperty:
public class DefaultStringLengthConvention: IPropertyConvention
public bool Accept(IProperty property) {
//apply if the string length hasn't been already been specified
return ??; <------ ??
public void Apply(IProperty property) {
I don't see where IProperty exposes anything that tells me if the property has already been set. Is this possible?
TIA, Berryl