Background: I need to provide a weekly report package for my sales staff. This package contains several (5-10) crystal reports.
Problem: I would like to allow a user to run all reports and also just run a single report. I was thinking I could do this by creating the reports and then doing:
List<ReportClass> reports = new List<ReportClass>();
reports.Add(new WeeklyReport1());
reports.Add(new WeeklyReport2());
reports.Add(new WeeklyReport3());
foreach (ReportClass report in reports)
report.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, @"c:\reports\" + report.ResourceName + ".pdf");
This would provide me a folder full of the reports, but I would like to email everyone a single PDF with all the weekly reports. So I need to combine them.
Is there an easy way to do this without install any more third party controls? I already have DevExpress & CrystalReports and I'd prefer not to add too many more.
Would it be best to combine them in the foreach loop or in a seperate loop? (or an alternate way)