I'm developing an app locally (under Domain name <mydomain>.dev).
In order to work with friendly urls, i've set up my .htaccess like this:
RewriteEngine on
# Externally redirect to add missing trailing slash
RewriteRule ^(([a-z0-9._\-]+/)*[a-z0-9_\-]+)$ http://example.com/$1/?%{QUERY_STRING}[NC,R,L]
RewriteRule ^about/$ about.php [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^issues/$ issues.php [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^issue/([a-z0-9_\-]+)/$ issue.php?slug=$1 [NC,L]
SetEnv PHP_VER 5
IndexIgnore *
Options +FollowSymLinks
It works fine. Annoyingly, when going online, it's not so great:
http://example.com/issue/my-slug/#23 returns no GET variable. Why?