



I'm currently trying to create a class which implements IEnumerable<T> in order to construct a Hierarchy from a flat list of objects which have references to each other through a ParentId property. I'd like to write a fluent interface for this so I can do something like this

IEnumerable<Tab> tabs = GetTabs();

IEnumerable<TabNode> tabNodes = tabs.AsHierarchy().WithStartLevel(2).WithMaxDepth(5);

So, about the yield statement, I wonder whether I could do something like this within my NodeHierarchy : IEnumerable<TabNode> class:

private IEnumerable<TabNode> _nodes;

public NodeHierarchy(IEnumerable<Tab> tabs)
    _nodes = CreateHierarchy(tabs);

public IEnumerable<TabNode> CreateHierarchy(IEnumerable<Tab> tabs)
    /* About this block: I'm trying to find the top level 
    nodes of the first tab collection, maybe this is done poorly? */
    var tabIds = tabs.Select(t => t.TabID);
    IEnumerable<TabNode> nodes = from tab in tabs
                          where !tabIds.Contains(tab.ParentId)
                                 select new TabNode {
                                            Tab = node,
                                            ChildNodes = CreateHierarchy(tabs, node.TabID, 1),
                                            Depth = 1 };
    return nodes;

or whether I would have to do something like this:

private IEnumerable<TabNode> _nodes;

public NodeHierarchy(IEnumerable<Tab> tabs)
    _nodes = CreateHierarchy(tabs);

public IEnumerable<TabNode> CreateHierarchy(IEnumerable<Tab> tabs)
var tabIds = tabs.Select(t => t.TabID);
IEnumerable<Tab> startingNodes = from tab in tabs
                                 where !tabIds.Contains(tab.ParentId)
                                 select tab;

foreach(Tab node in startingNodes)
    yield return
    new TabNode()
        Tab = node,
        ChildNodes = CreateHierarchy(tabs, node.TabID, 1),
        Depth = 1
+2  A: 

No, select new will not trigger evaluation. This will map to a call to:

 .Select(tab => new TabNode {...})

And note that Select (for LINQ-to-Objects, at least) is essentially something like:

public static IEnumerable<TDest> Select<TSource,TDest>(
    this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
    Func<TSource,TDest> selector)
    foreach(TSource item in source)
        yield return selector(source);

The key point here being that it evaluates lazy - not all at once.

Either approach should be comparable - the only difference is that without yield return, some code will run immediately - but only the code to build the .Where(...).Select(...) chain - it won't actually process the rows until you start iterating the result.

Furthermore, depending on the data source, that approach can actually be more efficient - for example, with a LINQ-to-SQL backend, as the TSQL generator can skip the unnecessary columns.

Marc Gravell