I edited the question so it would make more sense.
I have a function that needs a couple arguments - let's call it fc()
. I am passing that function as an argument through other functions (lets call them fa()
and fb()
). Each of the functions that fc()
passes through add an argument to fc()
. How do I pass fc()
to each function without having to pass fc()
's arguments separately? Below is how I want it to work.
function fa(fc){
function fb(fc){
function fc(){
doessomething with myvar and myothervar
Below is how I do it now. As I add arguments, it's getting confusing because I have to add them to preceding function(s) as well. fb()
and fc()
get used elsewhere and I am loosing some flexibility.
function fa(fc){
function fb(fc,myvar){
function fc(myvar,myothervar){
doessomething with myvar and myothervar
Thanks for your help
Edit 3 - The code
I updated my code using JimmyP's solution. I'd be interested in Jason Bunting's non-hack solution. Remember that each of these functions are also called from other functions and events.
From the HTML page
<input type="text" class="right" dynamicSelect="../selectLists/otherchargetype.aspx,null,calcSalesTax"/>
Set event handlers when section is loaded
function setDynamicSelectElements(oSet) {
* Sets the event handlers for inputs with dynamic selects
if (oSet.dynamicSelect) {
var ySelectArgs = oSet.dynamicSelect.split(',');
with (oSet) {
onkeyup = function() { findListItem(this); };
onclick = function() { selectList(ySelectArgs[0], ySelectArgs[1], ySelectArgs[2]) }
onclick event builds list
function selectList(sListName, sQuery, fnFollowing) {
* Build a dynamic select list and set each of the events for the table elements
if (fnFollowing) {
fnFollowing = eval(fnFollowing)//sent text function name, eval to a function
configureSelectList.clickEvent = fnFollowing
var oDiv = setDiv(sListName, sQuery, 'dynamicSelect', configureSelectList); //create the div in the right place
var oSelected = event.srcElement;
if (oSelected.value) findListItem(oSelected)//highlight the selected item
Create the list
function setDiv(sPageName, sQuery, sClassName, fnBeforeAppend) {
* Creates a div and places a page in it.
var oSelected = event.srcElement;
var sCursor = oSelected.style.cursor; //remember this for later
var coords = getElementCoords(oSelected);
var iBorder = makeNumeric(getStyle(oSelected, 'border-width'))
var oParent = oSelected.parentNode
if (!oParent.id) oParent.id = sAutoGenIdPrefix + randomNumber()//create an ID
var oDiv = document.getElementById(oParent.id + sWindowIdSuffix)//see if the div already exists
if (!oDiv) {//if not create it and set an id we can use to find it later
oDiv = document.createElement('DIV')
oDiv.id = oParent.id + sWindowIdSuffix//give the child an id so we can reference it later
oSelected.style.cursor = 'wait'//until the thing is loaded
oDiv.className = sClassName
oDiv.style.pixelLeft = coords.x + (iBorder * 2)
oDiv.style.pixelTop = (coords.y + coords.h + (iBorder * 2))
XmlHttpPage(sPageName, oDiv, sQuery)
if (fnBeforeAppend) {
oSelected.style.cursor = ''//until the thing is loaded//once it's loaded, set the cursor back
oDiv.style.cursor = ''
return oDiv;
Position and size the list
function configureSelectList(oDiv, fnOnClick) {
* Build a dynamic select list and set each of the events for the table elements
* Created in one place and moved to another so that sizing based on the cell width can
* occur without being effected by stylesheet cascades
if(!fnOnClick) fnOnClick=configureSelectList.clickEvent
if (!oDiv) oDiv = configureSelectList.Container;
var oTable = getDecendant('TABLE', oDiv)
document.getElementsByTagName('TABLE')[0].rows[0].cells[0].appendChild(oDiv)//append to the doc so we are style free, then move it later
if (oTable) {
for (iRow = 0; iRow < oTable.rows.length; iRow++) {
var oRow = oTable.rows[iRow]
oRow.onmouseover = function() { highlightSelection(this) };
oRow.onmouseout = function() { highlightSelection(this) };
oRow.style.cursor = 'hand';
oRow.onclick = function() { closeSelectList(0); fnOnClick ? fnOnClick() : null };
oRow.cells[0].style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'
} else {
//show some kind of error
oDiv.style.width = (oTable.offsetWidth + 20) + "px"; //no horiz scroll bars please
oTable.mouseout = function() { closeSelectList(500) };
if (oDiv.firstChild.offsetHeight < oDiv.offsetHeight) oDiv.style.height = oDiv.firstChild.offsetHeight//make sure the list is not too big for a few of items