




I've needed this a few times, and only now it occured to me, that maybe Vim could do it for me. I often save files whose numbers are many, and whose names do not matter (they're temporary anyway).

I have a directory full of files: file001.txt, file002.txt ...(they're not really named "filexxx.txt" - but for the sake of discussion ...). I often save a new one, and name it for example, file434.txt. Now since that's something I do often, I'd like to skip the naming checking part.

Is there a way vim script can be made as to check for the last filexxx.txt in the directory, and save the current buffer as filexxx+1. How should I go about writing something like that ? Has anyone done something like this before ?

All advices appreciated.


You can write scripts for vim in many powerful languages (depending on how your vim is compiled), such as perl, python, ruby. If it's possible for you to use a vim that's compiled with the appropriate interpreter for one of these languages, this would probably be the easiest way for you to write the script you desire.

Alex Martelli
+10  A: 

Put the following in ~/.vim/plugin/nextunused.vim

" nextunused.vim

" find the next unused filename that matches the given pattern
" counting up from 0.  The pattern is used by printf(), so use %d for
" an integer and %03d for an integer left padded with zeroes of length 3.
function! GetNextUnused( pattern )
  let i = 0
  while filereadable(printf(a:pattern,i))
    let i += 1
  return printf(a:pattern,i)

" edit the next unused filename that matches the given pattern
command! -nargs=1 EditNextUnused :execute ':e ' . GetNextUnused('<args>')
" write the current buffer to the next unused filename that matches the given pattern
command! -nargs=1 WriteNextUnused :execute ':w ' . GetNextUnused('<args>')

" To use, try 
"   :EditNextUnused temp%d.txt
" or
"   :WriteNextUnused path/to/file%03d.extension

So if you're in a directory where temp0000.txt through temp0100.txt are all already used and you do :WriteNextUnused temp%04d.txt, it will write the current buffer to temp0101.txt.

+1 for pure vim and noting requiring python
Exactly what I was looking for!
+1  A: 

How about a script that you can shell out to? Here is a quick python script that should accomplish what you need. Save the script as "highest.py" to somewhere in your path. From VIM, get into command mode and type

:!python highest.py "file*.txt"

It returns the highest numbered file in the current directory, or a message that no files matched. It handles leading 0's and could be generalized for more complex patterns is need be.

# Finds the highest numbered file in a directory that matches a given pattern
# Patterns are specified with a *, where the * will be where the number will occur.

import os
import re
import sys

highest = "";
highestGroup = -1;

if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
        print "Usage: python high.py \"pattern*.txt\""

pattern = sys.argv[1].replace('*', '(\d*)')

exp = re.compile(pattern)


for fname in dirList:
        matched = re.match(exp, fname)
        if matched:
                if ((highest == "") or (int(matched.group(1)) > highestGroup)):
                        highest = fname
                        highestGroup = int(matched.group(1))

if (highest == ""):
        print "No files match the pattern: ", pattern
        print highest