Which parsers are available for parsing C# code?
I'm looking for a C# parser that can be used in C# and give me access to line and file informations about each artefact of the analysed code.
Which parsers are available for parsing C# code?
I'm looking for a C# parser that can be used in C# and give me access to line and file informations about each artefact of the analysed code.
Works on source code:
Works on assembly:
The problem with assembly "parsing" is that we have less informations about line and file (the informations is based on .pdb file, and Pdb contains lines informations only for methods)
I personnaly recommend Mono.Cecil and NRefactory.
SharpDevelop, an open source IDE, comes with a visitor-based code parser which works really well. It can be used independently of the IDE.
Consider to use reflection on a built binary instead of parsing the C# code directly. The reflection API is really easy to use and perhaps you can get all the information you need?
Have a look at Gold Parser. It has a very intuitive IU that lets you interactively test your grammar and generate C# code. There are plenty of examples available with it and it is completely free.
I've implemented just what you are asking (AST Parsing of C# code) at the OWASP O2 Platform project using SharpDevelop AST APIs.
In order to make it easier to consume I wrote a quick API that exposes a number of key source code elements (using statements, types, methods, properties, fields, comments) and is able to rewrite the original C# code into C# and into VBNET.
You can see this API in action on this O2 XRule script file: ascx_View_SourceCode_AST.cs.o2 .
For example this is how you process a C# source code text and populate a number of TreeViews & TextBoxes:
public void updateView(string sourceCode)
var ast = new Ast_CSharp(sourceCode);
types_TreeView.show_List(ast.astDetails.Types, "Text");
rewritenCSharpCode_SourceCodeEditor.setDocumentContents(ast.astDetails.CSharpCode, ".cs");
rewritenVBNet_SourceCodeEditor.setDocumentContents(ast.astDetails.VBNetCode, ".vb");
The example on ascx_View_SourceCode_AST.cs.o2 also shows how you can then use the information gathered from the AST to select on the source code a type, method, comment, etc..
For reference here is the API code that wrote (note that this is my first pass at using SharpDevelop's C# AST parser, and I am still getting my head around how it works):
Not in C#, but a full C# 2/3/4 parser that builds full ASTs is available with our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.
DMS provides a vast infrastructure for parsing, tree building, construction of symbol tables and flow analyses, source-to-source transformation, and regeneration of source code from the (modified) ASTs. (It also handles many other langauges than just C#.)
If you are going to compile C# v3.5 to .net assemblies:
var cp = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "CompilerVersion", "v3.5" } });