



Hi, I trid to use an upload plugin for jQuery.

When I set the returning respond type to json, firefox will popup a dialog asking how I like to handle the returning json object.

People have asked the same question at the upload script's author's page but no answer so far. Hopefully javascript guys here can figure out how we can handle this.


<script type= "text/javascript">

            /* example 1 */
            var button = $('#button1'), interval;
            new AjaxUpload(button, {
                //action: 'upload-test.php', // I disabled uploads in this example for security reasons
                action: '/posts/upload_images/', 
                name: 'myfile',
                responseType: 'json',
                onSubmit : function(file, ext){
                    // change button text, when user selects file     

                    // If you want to allow uploading only 1 file at time,
                    // you can disable upload button

                    // Uploding -> Uploading. -> Uploading...
                    interval = window.setInterval(function(){
                        var text = button.text();
                        if (text.length < 13){
                            button.text(text + '.');        
                        } else {
                    }, 200);
                onComplete: function(file, response){
                    var json = response;


                    // enable upload button

                    // add file to the list
//                    $('<li></li>').appendTo('#example1 .files').text(json.response_text);      
                    $('<li></li>').appendTo('#example1 .files').text(file);      
+1  A: 

This jQuery plugin makes it simple to convert to and from JSON:

Also, you might be interested in this comment on the blog post you referenced:

Sorry to spam your blog post (which is great), but I thought I’d mention that I found the problem:

For whatever reason, the response always has <pre> tags around the entire response when the response is of type plain/text. That was causing the eval() call to fail. My current solution was just to strip those tags off before the eval() call and now everything works. Not a great solution but at least I can keep working for now.

Mathias Bynens
I can't speak from experience, but hopefully the plugin he is using doesn't require yet another plugin for decoding JSON.
Jason Bunting

This may be it, I don't know because I know nothing about that plugin, but you may need to take a look at the response type you are setting on the server-side of things; you should set the HTTP response to have a content/MIME type of something like "text/plain", "text/javascript" or "application/javascript" - see if that fixes your problem.

Jason Bunting
My response type is "application/json". And I had another ajax testing app which send a text from a form and the backend responses back using json, which the front end then prompts up properly. So I dont think i have problem in my backend which handling data and send back json. That test app use jquery's only.
Gotcha - well, good luck. If I had the time, I would probably look at this more closely. But it's Saturday and I have other things to do. :) Hope you find a solution soon!
Jason Bunting
I am now thinking there might be something wrong with my backend. I am using django and will try to read and download some demo to see how other people handle the json. Will post again later. Thanks guys.