




Does anyone know how to create a radial diagram in .net, java, ruby, php or python? I don't care which. I have asked before for a library and searched everywhere. I cannot find anything. If I am going to build my own I thought I'd check and see if anyone knew of a resource.

The preference is to display it in a web page, if possible.

Thank you for any help.

Shay Erlichmen
no. A radial diagram is a center, nodes, child nodes and so on. http://www.google.com/search?q=radial+diagram are the type that I mean when I say radial. no disrespect intended by the search url. it is just for reference. I appreciate any help.
+2  A: 

I think you could achieve you goal with GraphViz / DOT files.
There is a plethora of GraphViz packages and tools for a very wide array of languages.

FYI, extreme radial diagram example made with Graphviz: http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/twopi/twopi2.html
this looks promising. thank you. Not sure how to set it up all up but I'll look.

I primary idea came to my mind is: a radial diagram (as in overdisk) can be formed of multiple cocentric pie charts: most centric: parent nodes least centric: leaf nodes

with an important requirement : ALIGNEMENT (every child group needs to be aligned to parents).

==== Edit: I think it can be done on web easily using Google Chart API

Ahmed Khalaf