I have a many-to-many relationship between photos and tags: A photo can have multiple tags and several photos can share the same tags.
I have a loop that scans the photos in a directory and then adds them to NHibernate. Some tags are added to the photos during that process, e.g. a 2009-tag when the photo is taken in 2009.
The Tag class implements Equals and GetHashCode and uses the Name property as the only signature property. Both Photo and Tag have surrogate keys and are versioned.
I have some code similar to the following:
public void Import() {
foreach (var fileName in fileNames) {
var photo = new Photo { FileName = fileName };
AddDefaultTags(_session, photo, fileName);
private void AddDefaultTags(…) {
var tag =_session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Tag))
.Add(Restriction.Eq(“Name”, year.ToString()))
if (tag != null) {
} else {
var tag = new Tag { Name = year.ToString()) };
My problem is when the tag does not exist, e.g. the first photo of a new year. The AddDefaultTags method checks to see if the tag exists in the database and then creates it and adds it to NHibernate. That works great when adding a single photo but when importing multiple photos in the new year and within the same unit of work it fails since it still doesn’t exist in the database and is added again. When completing the unit of work it fails since it tries to add two entries in the Tags table with the same name...
My question is how to make sure that NHibernate only tries to create a single tag in the database in the above situation. Do I need to maintain a list of newly added tags myself or can I set up the mapping in such a way that it works?