



I'm trying to call a row update from php to an mysql database. It fails out but when i try to call an insert new row formated just the same it works.

$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO auth (username, password, studycode, description, server) VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$studycode', '$description', '$server')");

but this code fails

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE auth SET username='$username', password='$password', studycode='$studycode', description='$description', server='$server' WHERE index='$id' LIMIT 1;");

index is the first column and its the key/id for the table.

Edit: Ok so i just went into mysql admin and tried the exact command my code would have sent to track the error.

UPDATE auth SET username='username', password='password', studycode='ab9102y', description='test change', server='server2' WHERE index='5' LIMIT 1;

gives me the error

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'index='5' LIMIT 1' at line 1

You have "UPDATE atuh" instead of "UPDATE auth". Spelling error on here or in your code?

EDIT: Try removing the quotes around your index = '$id' and also you want to remove the semi-colon from your queries in PHP.

just that part that I copied.
The Digital Ninja

try this out

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE auth SET username='$username', password='$password', studycode='$studycode', description='$description', server='$server' WHERE index='$id'");

+5  A: 

Possibly a reserved keyword issue with index. Try:

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE auth SET username='$username', password='$password', studycode='$studycode', description='$description', server='$server' WHERE `index` ='$id'");
Chris Bartow
This did it. Thanks man!
The Digital Ninja
You should really sanitize your input here to prevent injection, either with prepared statements or escaping the values.

Judging from the error message try removing the quotes around $id. I assume it's an int of some kind.

+1  A: 

I believe it's because the word index is a reserved word in MySQL. There for you need change your where clause to:

WHERE `index` = '$id'

Notice the ticks around index.

Darryl Hein
+1  A: 

To avoid these kind of problems I usually name my tables like this: (for ex. a users table)

> CREATE TABLE usr_user (
>          usr_id INT,
>          usr_name VARCHAR(100),
>          usr_email VARCHAR(100) );

On a side note: Learn about prepared statements; I would be very scared of using the SQL code you have there.

Nael El Shawwa