



All reservations about unsecuring your SecureString by creating a System.String out of it aside, how can it be done?

How can I convert an ordinary System.Security.SecureString to System.String?

I'm sure many of you who are familiar with SecureString are going to respond that one should never transform a SecureString to an ordinary .NET string because it removes all security protections. I know. But right now my program does everything with ordinary strings anyway, and I'm trying to enhance its security and although I'm going to be using an API that returns a SecureString to me I am not trying to use that to increase my security.

I'm aware of Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR, but I don't know how to take that BSTR and make a System.String out of it.

For those who may demand to know why I would ever want to do this, well, I'm taking a password from a user and submitting it as an html form POST to log the user into a web site. So... this really has to be done with managed, unencrypted buffers. If I could even get access to the unmanaged, unencrypted buffer I imagine I could do byte-by-byte stream writing on the network stream and hope that that keeps the password secure the whole way. I'm hoping for an answer to at least one of these scenarios.


+3  A: 

Dang. right after posting this I found the answer deep in this article. But if anyone knows how to access the IntPtr unmanaged, unencrypted buffer that this method exposes, one byte at a time so that I don't have to create a managed string object out of it to keep my security high, please add an answer. :)

static String SecureStringToString(SecureString value)
    IntPtr bstr = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(value);

        return Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(bstr);
Andrew Arnott
+2  A: 

But if anyone knows how to access the IntPtr unmanaged, unencrypted buffer that this method exposes, one byte at a time so that I don't have to create a managed string object out of it to keep my security high, please add an answer. :)

Use Marshal.ReadByte(IntPtr, Int32).

To read a BSTR directly from an IntPtr, do something like this:

int length = Marshal.ReadInt32(intPtr, -4);
for(int i=0;i<length;i+=2){
  short unicodeChar = Marshal.ReadInt16(intPtr, i);
  // handle unicodeChar

The BSTR format is documented here.

Rasmus Faber