So, I've been tossing this idea around in my head for a while now. At its core, it's mostly a project for me to learn programming. The idea is that, I have a large set of data, my music collection. There are quite a few datasets that my music has. Format, artist, title, album, genre, length, year of release, filename, directory, just to name a few. Ideally, I'd like to create a database that has all of this data stored in it, and in the future, create a web interface on top of it that I can manage my music collection with. So, my questions are as follows:
- Does this sound like a good project to begin building databases from scratch with?
- What language would you recommend I start with? I know tidbits of PHP, but I would imagine it would be awful to index data in a filesystem with. Python was the other language I was thinking of, considering it's the language most people consider as a beginner language.
- If you were going to implement this kind of system (the web interface) in your home (if you had PCs connected to a couple of stereos in your home and this was the software connected), what kind of features would you want to see?
My idea for building up the indexing script would be as follows:
- Get it to populate the database with only the filenames
- From the extension of the filename, determine format
- Get file size
- Using the filenames in the database as a reference, pull ID3 or other applicable metadata (artist, track name, album, etc)
- Check if all files still exist on disk, and if not, flag the file as unavailable
Another script would go in later and check if the files are back, if they are not, the will remove the row from the database.