I have two strings given as arguments to a Haskell function. s1 is smaller than s2 if s1 is shorter than s2 or if they have the same length and s1 is lexicographically smaller than s2.
is an instance of Ord
and therefore you can use all of those methods to lexicographically compare string. As Andrew said, that's essentially compare
but also the comparison operators, (<)
among others.
smaller :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
smaller a b = a < b
This works for all types implementing Ord
(and is really just a crude wrapper for (<)
), including String
The normal string compare only works on lexicographical ordering, not the length of strings.
So you'd have to write your own function to also check for the length:
smaller :: String -> String -> Bool
smaller s1 s2 | length s1 < length s2 = True
| length s1 > length s2 = False
| otherwise = s1 < s2
Or a bit more general:
compareStrings :: String -> String -> Ordering
compareStrings s1 s2 | length s1 < length s2 = LT
| length s1 > length s2 = GT
| otherwise = compare s1 s2
ghci> compare "ab" "z"
ghci> compareStrings "ab" "z"
We were toying around with Monoids at university last week, and we came up with this lovely alternative Ord
instance Ord a => Ord [a] where
compare = comparing length
`mappend` comparing head `mappend` comparing tail
But if you don't quite understand this, I suggest you stick with the first definition ;-)
I'd use something like the following:
smaller :: String -> String -> Bool
smaller s1 s2 | len1 /= len2 = (len1 < len2)
| otherwise = (s1 < s2)
where (len1, len2) = (length s1, length s2)
Here's a sample run, in Hugs:
Main> smaller "b" "aa" True Main> smaller "aa" "b" False Main> smaller "this" "that" False Main> smaller "that" "this" True
The one-pass solution:
lengthcompare :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Ordering
lengthcompare = lc EQ
lc lx [] [] = lx
lc _ [] _ = LT
lc _ _ [] = GT
lc EQ (v:vs) (w:ws) = lc (compare v w) vs ws
lc lx (_:vs) (_:ws) = lc lx vs ws
smaller :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
smaller s1 s2 = lengthcompare s1 s2 == LT
An shorter version of the mappend
version by Tom Lokhorst above:
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
compareStrings :: String -> String -> Ordering
compareStrings = comparing length `mappend` comparing id
Another way, taking advantage of the ordering of tuples:
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
compareStrings :: String -> String -> Ordering
compareStrings = comparing (length &&& id)