The situation is, that i need to create table in grid view looking like this:
----------| ID---|---Name--|--1/2002--|--2/2002--|--1/2003--|........| 2/2009 |
I have two tables in db - Customers and orders, throught LINQ to SQL DataContext
ID and Name of the customers i´m getting from a simple query
var custInfo = from cust in db.Customers
select new { ID = cust.Id,
FullName = cust.FirstName + " " + cust.LastName }
dataGridOrdersPreview.DataSource = custInfo;
And i need some clue, how to generate that columns in format t/year where t indicates the first or second half of the year, and assign to that generated columns each Customer´s orders in that session of the year ( displaying only costs )
As far as now, i´m attempting to something like this:
var orders = from ord in db.Orders
group ord by ord.Id_cust into grouped
let costs = grouped
.Where( s => s.YearSession == session && s.Year == year)
.Select(a => new { Costs = a.Cost ) } )
select new { ID = grouped.Key,
Name = custInfo
.Where( a => a.ID == grouped.Key)
.Select( j => j.Name).Single(),
Cost = ExtensionLibrary.Sum(costs, "\n")
( in Cost getting only the summed costs in that year session for each customer )
and then i think about iterating throuhgh the years and sessions and getting somehow the query results to corresponding columns
while (year <= DateTime.Today.Year)
while (session < 2)
dataGridOrdersPreview.Columns.Add(session +"/"+ year);
col.Add((session +"/"+ year),
orders.Select( a => a.Cost ).ToList() );
/* col is Dictionary<string, List<string> > */
session = 0;
Here i have generated columns that i want and i have orders in Dictionary where Key is column name and Value are orders in that column, but i need some help binding it to that columns