



Hi guys, i am selecting values to my textbox from a popup window and i hav used onfocus="this.blur();" for textbox, i want to disable this function in editbutton while i want to edit . i cant use readonly since the value is not passed to server due to postback, pls help

+1  A: 
document.getElementById("button").readOnly = true;
Chad Grant
He wants the value sent back during a post back, disabled prevents this from happening.
Nick Berardi
right, he said it can't in his question, lol threw me off
Chad Grant
+4  A: 

You mentioned that you cannot use readonly because it is not submitted back during a POST back. Actually the readonly attribute, as in

<input ... readonly="readonly" />

is submitted back to the server during a POST. The disabled attribute, as in

<input ... disabled="disabled" />

is not submitted backing durring a POST.

Nick Berardi

You can submit disabled controls by putting this line in the Page_Load:

Page.Form.SubmitDisabledControls = true;

for ASP.NET 2.0
