+2  A: 
Stephan Keller
As for the Insert/Update, Yes the idea is that if they have the appropriate permissions they can make changes and commit them from that screen. Thanks for the input.
Refracted Paladin
Also, do you know of a reason that I should use UserControls over embedding my forms in panels? I have seen user controls come up a couple of times but I honestly do not know what I would gain using them over embedded forms...?
Refracted Paladin
AFAIK you simply can not embed forms into panels. But then I consider myself a winforms-newbie
Stephan Keller
Take a look at this answer to one of my quesitonshttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/543087/custom-class-for-dealing-with-embedding-in-forms/545864#545864Seems to work quite well.
Refracted Paladin
+3  A: 

There are a few accepted patterns here, and you can sometimes combine them productively:

  1. TabPages
  2. TreeView (Win Explorer Folders, Visual Studio's Tools|Options)
  3. Collapsing Panels (Outlook Mail/Calendar/Contacts)

The Collapsing Panels are not a standard control but there are several implementations available (here's just one)

And your not alone, for some inspiration see this SO answer.

Henk Holterman
Thanks for the tips.As for the inspiration, is there a certain cartoon on that page that applies to me??
Refracted Paladin
+4  A: 

One of the most important things I've learned through CRUD type apps, is to make sure that there are hotkeys for nearly every button and that the tab order is setup properly.

Most of the time, when you're doing data entry/modification, you don't want to drop your hands off the keyboard to move the mouse to the Submit/Update button, especially with large volumes of data to work with. Having these two items in order will greatly enhance the productivity of the app.

+1 for the tab order bit