Is it possible to perform a left join between two tables that are not related each other through a parent-child or many-to-many relationship ?. All the samples I found around only show those scenarios.
I have the following tables,
Sync -> Id (string) -> EntityId (string) -> OtherInfo
Customer -> Id -> OtherInfo
Project -> Id -> OtherInfo
Sync is a generic table for storing metadata about the rest of the tables. EntityId represents the field "Id" in those tables (There is not a physical foreign key created between sync and the rest of the tables).
I basically want to perform the following query in SQL,
select s., e. from sync s left join entity e on s.entityid = /
(entity in the sql above should be replaced by a real table, customer, project or any other table that contains some data in the sync table).
Could anyone give me some help or guidance about how that query should be expressed in HQL ?.
Thanks Pablo.