I would not use inheritance to represent a state (activated/deactivated) of your User objects. Composition (aggregation) is a much better choice here.
By using aggregation, AbstractUser simply becomes User. You may wish to model the Activation with a class instead of polluting the User class with activation related attributes. This way you get a nice and clean object model.
At the database level you can still decide to store the two objects in the same table/record, known as Component mapping. Or you can decide to store User and Activation in separate tables (aka Entity mapping).
Hibernate supports both type of mappings, it's mostly a matter of configuration.
The User class would contain the following attributes:
- givenName
- surname
- email
- activation (reference to an Activation object)
The Activation class would contain the following attributes:
- activationCode (string)
- sentOn (when was the email sent)
- activatedOn (defaults to null, set to current date/time when the user clicks the activation link, tells the system if the user has activated his account when not null)
You could use an HQL Query to know which company has at least one activated user:
from Office o
left join fetch o.company
o.administrator.activatedOn != null
This query assumes that you have defined an 'administrator' attribute in your Office class. The 'administrator' would be a reference to the User who created the Office. In the database, the 'offices' table has a foreign key to a User record.
By modeling the relationship this way, you may change the Administrator of an Office (example, he left or got fired from the Office/Company). It all depends on your use cases ...
I also added a sentOn attribute to the Activation class used to cleanup inactivated account after a certain time (was missing in your UML diagram).