I am the lead instructor of web & internet related courses on a private post high-school institution. My current classes include introductions to HTTP, TCP/IP, (X)HTML/CSS/JavaScript and generic SQL. Next year we will deal mostly with PHP / Java. What, in your opinion, are the most important aspects of web development in contrast and relation to traditional development and what should be the main focus of my lectures?
Of course there is a curriculum I will follow but I would really like to enhance it with everything there is time for, from hypes and semantics to oldschool hardcore scripting.
Keep in mind that I am fortunate enough to deal with highly talented and moderately motivated individuals. :P
- The school is a technical education institution, which in Greece means the third grade of post-high school education.
- My main course is an IT course, requiring two years and its viciously titled "Internet Technology Technician".
- I also teach web dev skills on Network Administration related courses, so you can safely assume that all my students have at least six months of formal IT training before meeting me.
- I don't teach Web Design or anything as artistic.
- My (so far fav) nickname is "The Terminator".