Using SessionRenderer anywhere during a session after the user has clicked an action referencing s:link
causes a Missing ViewRoot in restoreState
It seems icefaces is attempting to rerender the view that contains the s:link
, not the current view. When the s:link
references a view instead of a method, nothing breaks.
Any idea what is causing this? Is it generally a bad idea to mix other taglibs with icefaces?
12:23:43,465 FATAL [lifecycle] JSF1054: (Phase ID: RESTORE_VIEW 1, View ID: ) Exception thrown during phase execution: javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent[source=com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl@13af4e5]
12:23:43,469 ERROR [ViewRootStateManagerImpl] Missing ViewRoot in restoreState, ice.session: TOuIKvW0_UB0cjooWt11ig, viewNumber: 11
As a work around i'm using ice:commandButton and ice:commandLink, those seem to work fine.