Hi folks,
is there anyway I could figure out an estimated (Olson) ZoneInfo value (eg. ("America/Los Angeles", "Europe/London", etc.), for a single public IP address ... in .NET?
I already have a full list of ZoneInfo values, so that's not a problem ... and in a drop down box. I just want to default a selected value based on an IP.
I understand the IP won't be 100% accurate and proxies could frak things ... but this is to get a rough value.
Is this possible?
I was thinking it might be possible to associate a ZoneInfo value to a GMT timezone .. maybe?
And yeah .. for .NET please.
(thanks OpenID for using ZoneInfo instead of GMT timezones :( )
I found this page which describes the relationship between a Zone and Lat/Long. Is it therefore possible (eg. anyone want to suggest some code examples?) how, using a Lat Long, determine the correct ZoneInfo?