I have a fairly large CRUD WinForm app that has numerous objects. Person, Enrollment, Plan, CaseNote etc. There are over 30 forms that make up the app with the UI broken down logically. Member, Enrollments, Plans, CaseNotes, etc.
I am trying to figure out how I can create my Person Object after searching on the Search Form and pass THE object to the next requested form. Whatever that may be, let's say Demographics. The short of it is that I need the Person object to be available throughout the App and there can only be one.
Now I have ZERO exposure to Design Patterns but I am trying. I have read http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/csharp-tutorial-singleton-pattern and http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/singleton.html but I want to make sure I understand correctly how to apply this to my situation.
First, the examples state that you are accessing a reference, correct? Am I mistaken or would I need to access the value?
Second, is there anything else that I need to do to make this Globally available? Do I just declare a instance on each form but through this Singleton Pattern so as to not have more then one?
To clarify, All objects are child objects of Person. Also, As the Search Page eludes to; the users can select a different currentPerson. But they can only interact with ONE Person at a time.
Lastly, as I stated I am an infant in this and if I should be considering something else, a different approach please say so and if you'd be so kind as to offer some explanation as to why, I'd be very grateful.
Based on Medicine Man's comment I thought I wauld clarify.
First, Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Second, I don't know the first thing about design patterns and I certainly don't have the foggiest if a certain one is needed in my current situation.
If someone has a better, simpler, or ,in your opinion, a more fitting method of passing a Data Object from FORM to FORM to FORM then PLEASE tell.
In the end I just need a way of tracking the information as my users go from place to place. Thank You