



I have a comparison I'd like to make more efficient in SQL.

The input field (fldInputField) is a comma separated list of "1,3,4,5"

The database has a field (fldRoleList) which contains "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"

So, for the first occurrence of fldInputField within fldRoleList, tell us which value it was.

Is there a way to achieve the following in MySQL or a Stored Procedure?


SELECT * FROM aTable t1 WHERE fldInputField in t1.fldRoleList


I'm guessing there might be some functions that are best suited for this type of comparison? I couldn't find anything in the search, if someone could direct me I'll delete the question... Thanks!

UPDATE: This isn't the ideal (or good) way to do things. It's inherited code and we are simply trying to put in a quick fix while we look at building in the logic to deal with this via normalized rows.. Luckily this isn't heavily used code.

+2  A: 

You have a terrible schema design, you know. Comma-delimited lists have no business in a DB.

That being said... You're looking for LIKE.

SELECT * FROM aTable t1 WHERE t.fldRoleList LIKE fldInputField + '%'

If the content might not always match at the beginning, add another percent sign before fldInputField.

SELECT * FROM aTable t1 WHERE t.fldRoleList LIKE '%' + fldInputField + '%'
Ken White
Or build a temp table and do the usual thing.
le dorfier
if you were looking for 1, you'd find 11 using this solution
@Andomar, no. Look at the sample data in the OP - it's a comma-delimited list, and the OP says he's looking for multiple values in a list containing multiple values. Looking for '1,2,3' in a column containing '2,3,4,5,11' wouldn't match on the '11', and if you're looking for '1,' it wouldn't match either.
Ken White
It was inhereited code.. Trying to get away from it. I'm open to doing it another way!
Jas Panesar
Looking for 1,2 in 11,22 would find it I suppose. But I assumed the list can contain just one number in some cases
+2  A: 

I agree with @Ken White's answer that comma-delimited lists have no place in a normalized database design.

The solution would be simpler and perform better if you stored the fldRoleList as multiple rows in a dependent table:

SELECT t1.*, r1.fldRole 
FROM aTable t1 JOIN aTableRoles r1 USING (aTable_id) 
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(r1.fldRole, fldInputField);

(see the MySQL function FIND_IN_SET())

But that outputs multiple rows if multiple roles match the comma-separated input string. If you need to restrict the result to one row per aTable entry, with the first matching role:

SELECT t1.*, MIN(r1.fldRole) AS First_fldRole 
FROM aTable t1 JOIN aTableRoles r1 USING (aTable_id) 
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(r1.fldRole, fldInputField);
GROUP BY t1.aTable_id;
Bill Karwin
Confused, isn't find_in_set useful for the denormalized solution? The question seems to be asking for the *first* value?
The find_in_set() function finds *one* value in a comma-separated string. The OP's question was about comparing one comma-separated string to a second comma-separated string, and finding the first match. Find_in_set() can't do that. My example uses a normalized table design to help.
Bill Karwin
Thanks Bill. It was inherited code and we are looking at storing fldRoleList in multiple rows... Have to create the add/delete row logic to do that and need a quick fix while we re-work things.
Jas Panesar
Bill, FIND_IN_SET is what I was looking for, thanks!
Jas Panesar
Right, I was one list short:) thanks for the explanation