+2  A: 

This can be achieved, without altering the text in the cell, using a Macro. I have to admit, the implementation will be a little retarded, since you need to do a few things.

1 - Tokenize the entire cell content, and store the tokens into a string array.

There is a problem already. The text located inside the cell is grossly inconsistent. You have -250 ms, - 250 ms, - 1sec, - 1 sec. Due to this, you are going to need to check for each instance. Therefore, you cannot just check if the value is a number, you need to check all the permutations that your team members have conveniently provided for you.

The best way to do this would be to check against Regular Expressions. Therefore, #2 should be:

2 - Check each value to see if it matches to one of many 4 Regular Expressions.

3 - Depending on the Regex it matches with, extract the numerical value.

a)  If simply a value (ie->250), check if ms or sec proceeds the value.  IF ms, divide the number by 1000.  If sec, leave number as is.  Add number to total.
b)  If a number preceded by a dash(-), remove dash, and repeat step a)
c)  If a number proceeded by letters, remove letters and repeat step a)
d)  If a number proceeded by a period, do nothing.  This is a bullet point.
Thanks JonI finally managed to convince them to put the values in a consistent manner. So, now the values are put as '- xx ms' or '- xx sec' (made my life a little easier)I implemented the rest of the logic as suggested in your answer.Works great now ... Thanks !!!
Glad I could help!