I have a method to replace every character except those I specify. For example,
ReplaceNot("test. stop; or, not", ".;/\\".ToCharArray(), '*');
would return
Now, this is not an instance of premature optimization. I call this method quite a few times during a network operation. I found that on longer strings, it is causing some latency, and removing it helped a bit. Any help to speed this up would be appreciated.
public static string ReplaceNot(this string original, char[] pattern, char replacement)
int index = 0;
int old = -1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(original.Length);
while ((index = original.IndexOfAny(pattern, index)) > -1)
sb.Append(new string(replacement, index - old - 1));
old = index++;
if (original.Length - old > 1)
sb.Append(new string(replacement, original.Length - (old + 1)));
return sb.ToString();
Final #'s. I also added a test case for a 3K character string, ran at 100K times instead of 1M to see how well each of these scales. The only surprise was that the regular expression 'scaled better' than the others, but it is no help since it is very slow to begin with:
User Short * 1M Long * 100K Scale John 319 2125 6.66 Luke 360 2659 7.39 Guffa 409 2827 6.91 Mine 447 3372 7.54 DirkGently 1094 9134 8.35 Michael 1591 12785 8.04 Peter 21106 94386 4.47
Update: I made the creation of the regular expression for Peter's version a static variable, and set it to RegexOptions.Compiled to be fair:
User Short * 1M Long * 100K Scale Peter 8997 74715 8.30
Pastebin link to my testing code, please correct me if it is wrong: http://pastebin.com/f64f260ee