



create asymmetric key asymmetrickey from executable file = 'c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\'

Why can't I use the above to generate an asymmetric key from framework libraries (for installing in SQL server as references for CLR functions). It gives an error:

"An error occurred during the generation of the asymmetric key."

Without an asymmetric key the database needs to be set to trustworthy to add the assembly to the SQL Server (2005). I realise the framework libraries are not intended for use from SQL Server, but am curious as to why this doesn't work.


System.Windows.Forms is not allowed inside CLR functions.

Randolph Potter
From your second link - "Unsupported libraries can still be called from your managed stored procedures, triggers, user-defined functions, user-defined types, and user-defined aggregates.". The question was specifically why you can't generate an asymmetric key - System.Windows.Forms can be used inside CLR functions but is not recommended. Without an asymmetric key the database needs to be set to trustworthy. I was just curious as to why the asymmetric key wasn't being created.
Simon D
Ah ok - a misread of your question then. I won't edit my answer as your comment is sufficient clarification.
Randolph Potter