



Dont know if you allowed to ask this sort of thing here... but as they say easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

I have dipped my toe into "giving back to the community" and would like people's opinion on the project. In short it is a colleciton of generic crud controller and repository classes and interfaces to automate the creation of .Net MVC 1.0 add edit delete pages, like a typical admin section. Here is some basic example code (for a linq to sql table (Person) and the controller)

public class PersonRep : LinqToSqlRepository<int, Person>
    public PersonRep() : base(new MvcDataContext(), "id", "name")

public class PersonController : MvcRepositoryCrudController<int, Person, PersonRep>{}

Please check the project out at and tell me if its a good approach, terrible idea, complete waste of time etc...

Also how do you think it could grow, at this stage it is very basic, one way is obviously adding more repositories besides a linq to sql one.