Here is a guy that implemented a StreamReader with ReadLine() method that registers file position.
I guess one should inherit from StreamReader, and then add the extra method to the special class along with some properties (_lineLength + _bytesRead):
// Reads a line. A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by
// a carriage return ('\r'), a line feed ('\n'), or a carriage return
// immediately followed by a line feed. The resulting string does not
// contain the terminating carriage return and/or line feed. The returned
// value is null if the end of the input stream has been reached.
/// <include file='doc\myStreamReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="myStreamReader.ReadLine"]/*' />
public override String ReadLine()
_lineLength = 0;
//if (stream == null)
// __Error.ReaderClosed();
if (charPos == charLen)
if (ReadBuffer() == 0) return null;
StringBuilder sb = null;
int i = charPos;
char ch = charBuffer[i];
int EolChars = 0;
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
EolChars = 1;
String s;
if (sb != null)
sb.Append(charBuffer, charPos, i - charPos);
s = sb.ToString();
s = new String(charBuffer, charPos, i - charPos);
charPos = i + 1;
if (ch == '\r' && (charPos < charLen || ReadBuffer() > 0))
if (charBuffer[charPos] == '\n')
EolChars = 2;
_lineLength = s.Length + EolChars;
_bytesRead = _bytesRead + _lineLength;
return s;
} while (i < charLen);
i = charLen - charPos;
if (sb == null) sb = new StringBuilder(i + 80);
sb.Append(charBuffer, charPos, i);
} while (ReadBuffer() > 0);
string ss = sb.ToString();
_lineLength = ss.Length;
_bytesRead = _bytesRead + _lineLength;
return ss;
Think there is a minor bug in the code as the length of the string is used to calculate file position instead of using the actual bytes read (Lacking support for UTF8 and UTF16 encoded files).