



i have a JSON object sent from the browser to the jsp page. how do i receive that object and process it in jsp. do i need any specific parsers? i have used the following piece of code. but it wouldnt work. essentially i should read the contents of the object and print them in the jsp.

<%@page language="java" import="jso.JSONObject"%>

JSONObject inp=request.getParameter("param1");

<% for(int i=0;i<inp.size();i++)

The svenson JSON library can also be used from JSP.


You've got several syntax errors in your example code.

First, request.getParameter returns a String, so setting it to a JSONObject won't work. Secondly, your for loop is incomplete.

I suggest looking into the various JSON libraries available for Java and using one of those.

To help get you started, I'd look at some decoding samples.

Mike Cornell

In general, you won't be passing JSON within query parameters -- too much quoting needed. Rather, you should POST with JSON as payload (content type 'application/json') or such.

But beyond this, you need a json parser; lists tons; my favorite is Jackson, which like most alternatives from the page can also be invoked from jsp.

u are right.. the value is posted as you say.. but i m not sure how to receive it and process it in the jsp..
request.getParameter is the right way to get your payload. Then you need to use a json parser to parse the payload into a JSONObject.
Mike Cornell

You can parse the input string to JSONValue and then cast it to JSONOject as like shown below

  JSONObject inp = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(request.getParameter("param1"));